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pathoses 1ry teeth

 Delayed Exfoliation of Primary Teeth Due to Second  Pathoses:

 Case Series Study


The delayed exfoliation of primary teeth among  

children is a common and frequent dental problem  

whose most sited cause is misalignment of the crown  

of the successional permanent tooth with the root  

apex of the primary tooth. Treatment is often  

extraction of the over retained primary teeth and  

reassurance of the guardian that the normal tongue  

movements will push the misaligned permanent  

successional teeth into line in cases of mild  

misalignment or orthodontic treatment in severe  

cases of misalignment. However, meticulous history  

taking and careful clinical oral examination may  

yield an underlying pathosis as the three cases in this  

study illustrate. Underlying second pathoses may  

exert local and systemic effects on the normal  

exfoliative mechanism resulting in over retention of  

primary teeth despite proper alignment of the crown  

of the permanent successional tooth with the root  

apex of the primary tooth. 


The aetiology of over retention of primary teeth is  

often misalignment of the crown of the successional  

permanent tooth as it erupts relative to the root of the  

primary tooth. This explanation may be satisfactory  

to the ‘concerned’parent or guardian but as the three  

cases in this study illustrate, there may be a second  

pathosis causing the over retention.

Case 1. 

A seven-year old black female presented with over  

retention of 51, 52, 61, 62, 71 and 81 with ectopic  

eruption of the successional permanent teeth 11, 21,  

22, 31 and 41 

. Poor oral hygiene was clinically  

evident as arrested and progressive carious lesions  

on all primary and permanent teeth except the  

permanent sixes. No periapical abscesses were  

evident radiographically nor draining sinuses and a  

diagnosis of rampant caries was made. Treatment  

rendered was oral health instruction, extraction  

under local anaesthesia of over retained primary  

teeth and restorations on the remainder. 

Interestingly, roots of the over retained 51, 52, 62  

and 81 were intact showing no resorption as seen on  

the palatal and lingual aspects of 61 and 71  


Case 2. 

A six year-old black female presented with a  

progressive swelling of the mandible of one-year  

duration. Extraoral examination showed mandibular  

prognathism and macrocheilia of the lower lip.  

Intraoral examination showed marked alveolar  

expansion of the anterior mandible on the labial  

aspect and overretention of primary teeth 71, 72, 81  

and 82. The corresponding permanent successional  

teeth 31, 32, 41 and 42 had erupted on the lingual  

aspect of the deciduous teeth (Fig. 1.). 

Fig. 1. Case 2: Labial alveolar expansion and over  

retention of anterior incisors of mandible and  

secondary mandibular prognathism in 6-year-old  

black female. 

Radiographic investigation showed a well 

demarcated unilocular radiolucent lesion of the  

anterior mandible. Laboratory investigations of  

serum found 48 U/L of alkaline phosphatase  

(normal 20-125 U/L), 1.03 mmol/L of calcium  

(normal 2.12-2.57mmol/L and 9 g/L of albumin  

(normal 35-50g/L). A biopsy of the lesion under  

local anaesthesia was submitted for histological  

examination, which showed fibrous connective  

tissue stroma lined by 3 to 8 epithelial cell layers  

with occasional intraluminal heaping of the 

epithelial cells. Epithelial cells devoid of nuclei the  

so-called ‘ghost cells’were evident in the superficial  

epithelial layers and the intraluminal aggregates.  

These features were interpreted as those of a  

calcifying odontogenic cyst. The case was 

subsequently referred to the oral and maxillofacial  

surgery clinic for further management. 

Case 3. 

A 12 year-old black female presented with a 5-year

history of a painless right maxillary swelling that  

was noted on extraoral examination as facial  

asymmetry. Intraoral examination found a hard  

bony swelling limited to the buccal aspect of the  

right maxilla covered by normal coloured mucosa.  

Over retained primary teeth were present in the  

swollen right maxilla namely 52, 53, 54 and 55  

(Fig.2) as well as labial to the successional  

permanent teeth in the mandible namely 73, 72, 71,  

81, 82 and 83 (Fig.3). Laboratory investigations of  

serum gave 393 U/L of alkaline phosphatase  

(normal 20-125 U/L), 2.49 mmol/L of calcium  

(normal 2.12-2.57 mmol/L) and 43 g/L of albumin  

(normal 35-50g/L). Radiographic examination  

showed a diffuse ‘ground glass’ radiopacity and  

expansion of the right maxilla. Asubsequent biopsy  

under local anaesthesia of the alveolar bone of the  

swollen right maxilla was submitted for 

histological examination that showed irregular  

trabeculae of woven bone in fibrous connective  

tissue stroma; features that were diagnostic of  

monostotic fibrous dysplasia. Treatment rendered  

included extraction of the over retained primary  

teeth whose roots were intact and referral to an oral  

and maxillofacial surgery clinic for further 

management of the bony expansion and possible  

orthodontic exposure of the unerupted permanent  


Fig. 2. Case 3: Firm bony expansion covered by  

normal coloured mucosa and over retention of  

primary teeth of right maxilla in 12-year-old black  


Fig.3. Case 3. Over retained mandibular incisors in  

12-year-old black female with monostotic fibrous  

dysplasia of the right maxilla.


Disturbed primary or deciduous tooth exfoliation  

can either be premature or delayed. This study  

illustrates the possible roles of second pathoses in  

the delayed exfoliation or over retention of primary  

teeth. The exact mechanism of primary tooth  

exfoliation could involve pressure resorption of the  

deciduous root invoked by the erupting 

successional tooth and or differentiation of 

monocytes of the periodontal ligament into 

odontoclasts. The odontoclasts then resorb the  

deciduous root in a similar manner to osteoclasts  

during bone remodeling or resorption with absence  

of an inflammatory response 

. The factor(s) that  

trigger this process remain unknown. The majority  

of carious deciduous teeth undergo normal 

exfoliation without restorations2 

. It is postulated  

that a cumulative and quantitative effect of rampant  

caries may delay the start of the root resorptive  

process as case 1 shows with only 2 out of the 6 over  

retained teeth showing evidence of root resorption.  

Over retention of a deciduous tooth (84) due to the  

presence of a COC and an intraluminal 

adenomatoid odontogenic tumour has been 

reported 3 

. Case 2 of this study documents a second  

case of COC involvement in over retention of four  

deciduous teeth 71, 72, 81 and 82. The COC of case  

2 could have locally affected the exfoliative  

mechanism of deciduous teeth in the presence of  

reduced serum levels of calcium and albumin. The  

exact mechanism could have been the misalignment  

of successional teeth relative to the deciduous roots  

due to the cortical and alveolar cystic expansion,  

reduced serum levels of calcium and albumin or  

both. However, alveolar cystic expansion was the  

most likely explanation as it disturbed the integrity  

of the periodontal ligament (PDL) where the  

monocytes that differentiate into odontoclasts are  

located besides the physical misalignment.  

Monostotic fibrous dysplasia (MFD) is a result of  

postnatal mutation of the guanine nucleotidebinding protein, alpha-stimulating activity 

polypeptide 1 (GNAS1) gene  

. Case 3 had three  

times the normal alkaline phosphatase level while

calcium and albumin were within normal ranges.  

Interestingly, the MFD of case 3 exerted both local  

and systemic effects during disruption of the  

mechanism of deciduous root resorption in the right  

maxilla whereas only the systemic effects could  

explain the over retention of the mandibular  

incisors. The bone trabeculae of fibrous dysplasia  

are considered to arise by metaplasia4 

and in this  

case, the local effect could have been the metaplasia  

of alveolar bone of the right maxilla disturbing the  

integrity of the PDL. It is theorized that systemic  

effects in both jaws but more so in the mandible  

could be the arrest of monocyte differentiation into  

odontoclasts, failure of the odontoclasts to attach to  

the deciduous roots’surface and lacunae formation,  

odontoclast failure to release the odontolytic  

enzymes into the lacunae or inactivation of released  

odontolytic enzymes due to the high serum alkaline  

phosphatase levels. Bone growth causes an agedependent rise in alkaline phosphatase normal  

values particularly in children <2 yrs and 

adolescents. Thereafter, alkaline phosphatase 

activity declines reaching normal adult levels after a  

growth spurt during adolescence 5 

. Three times the  

normal values of alkaline phosphatase in case 3 of  

the 12-year-old female cannot be adequately  

explained by early onset of puberty as the patient did  

not have physical signs of puberty at presentation.  

Chronic malnutrition reflected by a stunted growth  

pattern has been associated with delayed exfoliation  

of deciduous teeth 6 

. The three children comprising  

this study showed no signs of chronic malnutrition  

and consequently malnutrition was ruled out in the  

differential diagnosis of the aetiology for the over  

retention of primary or deciduous teeth. In view of  

the unique aetiology for over retention of primary  

teeth and the female gender preponderance in this  

study, the number of cases does not support a factual  

female predominance of second pathoses delaying  

exfoliation of primary or deciduous teeth.  


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د/أمير أبو الغيط


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